
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

life is abt appreciating...

Christmas jus flew past.. it means tt the yr is about to end soon.. and its time to tink abt wat has been accomplished and lost tis yr.. like usual..

alot of thots been running through my mind tis few days..

Ever since i was a kid, i love xmas. xmas meant a season of joy n love for me. Every yr without fail i will send cards to my friends or at least wished them merry xmas..and for some of them i give xmas presents. To many ppl, these are just little acts..probably not even worth mentioning abt, but they nv knew tt tis little acts meant alot to me.. it holds a meaning beyond just a card, a sms, a present. It holds a meaning of friendship, of a thot and of sincerity...

Every year, i get thanks frm ppl for e card, e gift or e msgs, but i cant helped but noticed tt every yr the ppl who responded are getting lesser and lesser. i nv did expect everyone to do the same as i did, but somehow i just hope tt ppl wuld jus appreciate my thots, esp those frens tt i thot are so close to my heart. Somehow it gets to me, is it that tough to jus lift ur finger to type a couple of words n send it to someone..i don get it.. i reali don.. looking at the way friends lack respond..esp close frens..or those whom i thot are close frens, it makes my heart turn cold..reali stone cold..

i cant deny tt over the years, i have become more and more indifferent to tings that is happening around me, esp towards some can complain, but you don happen to be anywhere better than i am..

well.. i chose to be indifferent.. and pls understand tt im just tryin to protect myself.. it hurts alot when u put in ur heart n soul and all u get back is an unconcerned attitude..msgs goes unreplied, phone calls tt u promised but nv did call back.. but when problems arises, ya tell me tt my friendship does matter, but somehow i felt otherwise..

you is abt appreciating... you nv know tt acts that u tink are so insignificant may meant alot to someone... learn to appreciate n give thanks to thosel who have always been dere for u..

this yr, i realised tt i have gained many frens, but they are frens whom i know tt will nv stay and along the way i have also realised tt i lost some precious old frens, maybe not literally lost..but its jus tt we aint tt close anymore..

my heart is overwhelmed with emotions this yr...and i wonder why....

P.S: To one of my dearest fren..i noe we hadnt been in alot of contact with each other and i noe its partly my fault.. i may tend to forget some stuff but i jus want u to know that tis six yrs of frenship meant alot to me.. sometimes i felt tt we have drifted and somehow our paths aint crossing anymore.. u have ur own wonderful clinque of frens and wen u have problems, i won be e first u thot of anymore... its kinda sad to tink abt it sometimes..but i guess tts life.. but my dear fren, jus noe tt i nv wana lose someone like i reali cherish u and i am so thankful for tis beautiful friendship...

P.P.S: i nv told u tis..but your moving away took a big part of me...


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