小孩子问:“这朵花很漂亮!妈咪,我可以带回家吗?我会好好保护它的。真的。。我会放在盒子里。。我。。我会每天浇水。” 天真。再美的花儿也会凋谢。残留在盒子里的花,你还会要吗? 孩子说:“不会的!树上的花没有人保护,才会凋谢。我会照顾它的!”(总是认为小孩子最会说谎了。。因为他们说谎时真的相信那是真的。呵呵。)
男向女承诺:“我会一生一世爱着你,直到海枯石烂,直到天苍地老!” 女只是甜蜜地笑了笑。这只是语言的工具,海枯石烂时你早已上了天堂,天苍地老时你的躯体已经回归大自然。何来的爱情?
对我而言,永恒不变虽然是个善意的谎言,却会带给自己不必要的伤害。它会让人忘记怎么在黑暗里行走。 此时此刻在你身旁的人,现在沉浸在的快乐,目前安逸的生活,不可能一辈子跟随着你。 但是,你会慢慢开始习惯他们的存在,甚至过于依赖。当你失去时就有如失去了双足,不知道如何继续前进。你会茫然,你会无助,你会感到失落。你会怀疑这世界到底有什么是真的属于你自己的。不是吗?所以在无风无浪的日子里,你也得不断提醒,为任何变化做好准备。
“ ‘Forever’ is a beautiful white lie that you and I know is not true. Telling someone that you love them forever is a lie that will bring so much pain, because you and I know that no one can be there for you forever. You are so much indulging in the happiness that you are in now, and you are so used to having someone around to shelter you. You did not realized that you are slowly losing the courage to live on by yourself. So in the peaceful days that you are in now, do constantly remind yourself to be ready for any changes, because there is nothing that is really forever.”
小孩子问:“这朵花很漂亮!妈咪,我可以带回家吗?我会好好保护它的。真的。。我会放在盒子里。。我。。我会每天浇水。” 天真。再美的花儿也会凋谢。残留在盒子里的花,你还会要吗? 孩子说:“不会的!树上的花没有人保护,才会凋谢。我会照顾它的!”(总是认为小孩子最会说谎了。。因为他们说谎时真的相信那是真的。呵呵。)
男向女承诺:“我会一生一世爱着你,直到海枯石烂,直到天苍地老!” 女只是甜蜜地笑了笑。这只是语言的工具,海枯石烂时你早已上了天堂,天苍地老时你的躯体已经回归大自然。何来的爱情?
对我而言,永恒不变虽然是个善意的谎言,却会带给自己不必要的伤害。它会让人忘记怎么在黑暗里行走。 此时此刻在你身旁的人,现在沉浸在的快乐,目前安逸的生活,不可能一辈子跟随着你。 但是,你会慢慢开始习惯他们的存在,甚至过于依赖。当你失去时就有如失去了双足,不知道如何继续前进。你会茫然,你会无助,你会感到失落。你会怀疑这世界到底有什么是真的属于你自己的。不是吗?所以在无风无浪的日子里,你也得不断提醒,为任何变化做好准备。
“ ‘Forever’ is a beautiful white lie that you and I know is not true. Telling someone that you love them forever is a lie that will bring so much pain, because you and I know that no one can be there for you forever. You are so much indulging in the happiness that you are in now, and you are so used to having someone around to shelter you. You did not realized that you are slowly losing the courage to live on by yourself. So in the peaceful days that you are in now, do constantly remind yourself to be ready for any changes, because there is nothing that is really forever.”
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